Make Search Engine Friendly Blog Post Titles to increase traffic using SEO

We already have discussed  what is Search Engine Optimization?  Now we are going to discuss how to make Search Engine Friendly Blog Post Titles to increase traffic using SEO? Here are some simple tips which help you to index fast in search engines like Google. I think these simple tips can give you better search engine rank for your pages in search engine. So follow these tips and optimize your blog title for search engine and I am assuring you that you will get better traffic for your blog.

Blog post title is the most important part of your post. Search engine mainly looks for the keywords in blog post title. If all the keywords are seen in blog post title, it is sure that your post will come first in search engines. Let me explain this using an example.

Look at the example below. I search the Google with keyword “better traffic SEO”.

 Look at the title of the post which is seen in the first page of Google. You can see that the keyword “better traffic SEO” (“More” also will be indexed because both have same meaning) is seen in all the titles. Now I think you have understood the concept of “Keywords in title increase traffic”.

Now I am coming to the real question. How to include all keywords in Blog post title? It is a known fact that we will not be able to include all keywords in blog title because we have to limit our title with six or seven words. So the only solution is to know the keywords what people search the most. So just think of what people search for particular post in Google. Then try to include these keywords in your blog post title for better traffic. Another method is to use Google Keyword Tool which helps you to find the keywords what people search for.

Google Keyword Tool to find Keywords
First visit  Google Keyword Tool . Then type the shortest keyword in this tool. For example if you are preparing a blog post describing the influence of SEO in traffic just enter “SEO traffic” in Google keyword tool. Then the result we obtained is seen in the picture below.

Now just note these keywords and try to include these keywords in your blog title in a meaningful manner. Give more importance to keywords which have more visitors.

Now I think that you have understood how to make blog post title search engine friendly. If you have any doubts feel free to ask me and I am happy to help you. If you like the post just promotes our website using Facebook like button.
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I am an engineer by profession and blogging is my passion. I also loves to share my knowledge. Get me on and Twitter


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