What does SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the most telling word in Internet world. Most blog surfers or blog creators don't know what is the meaning behind this question. In this article I will try to give you the detailed explanation of What does SEO means or what is the meaning of SEO?

Search Engine Optimization- as the name indicates it  is the way to optimize your blog for search engines. There are number of websites in the internet world.  In a single day thousands of websites are being created. For a single keyword you can find crores of related websites. For example look at the picture below. Here a search in a Google is done with keyword "Football".

You can see the rounded number in the picture. It is the number of websites having the keyword "Football". Here a page from Wikipedia comes first for keyword "Football". Then how the Google shows the Wikipedia website as the first option . Search engine shows this by using certain algorithms. These algorithms are the hidden property of search engines and will not be given to public. But many Internet genius has tried to find this algorithms using large experiments. So they get a clue about the algorithms of search engines. So SEO or Search Engine Optimization is nothing but creating articles or websites or contents according to this algorithm.
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I am an engineer by profession and blogging is my passion. I also loves to share my knowledge. Get me on and Twitter


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