Now the social networks rules internet and there is a good possibility of getting tons of traffic from these social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc. Also when your posts gets good social votes you are going to get good search engine rankings. Here are my 10 simple steps to get more traffic and attention from social networks.
Make social buttons visible and don't make visitors to hunt for that
You must make your social buttons visible as possible and never make visitors to hunt for that. I suggest to use a scrolling social button as in my blog. The advantage of these types of buttons is that it follows the visitor and whenever visitor wants to like your page the scrolling button will help them. Another option is to place the button at the end of the post because most visitors love to share your content after reading your complete post.
A study of re-tweets has shown that the tweets which asks people to re-tweet gets more than four times traffic compared to tweets which does not contain re-tweet message. So always mention some messages to share or re-tweet when you share your link in Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc.
Another way to get some quality shares is to ask readers to share your post at the end of the post. This message can evoke them about sharing and if they love your article they will definitely share your post.
Use Socialadr and Justretweet for some free share
I think these two tools are good option to get some share for free. The Socialadr contain Facebook Like, Google Plus, Twitter and many social bookmarking websites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious. The theory is just simple. When you like, +1, tweet or bookmarks others website you will be rewarded with points. You can use these points to share your own content. A drawback I found in this website is it is tough to earn points and one cannot offer a default point for their post. Instead the system decides the default point based on followers, Facebook friends etc.
Justretweet is just like Socialadr but its allows only re-tweets. You are offered points when you re-tweet others posts or by following others and you can use these points to get re-tweets for your post. An advantage of Justretweet is that its easy to earn points. Another good feature is you can decide the points which users will get when they re-tweet your post. You can also decide the peoples who can re-tweet your post based on minimum number of followers. Famous blogger Ileane also uses this feature.
Get the attention of famous bloggers and ask them to share your content
It is a tough task but once you achieved this you are going to get tons of shares. There are many famous bloggers around us. They will be having many followers in all social media. If they share your content you will be getting a good amount of share from their followers. But now a question may arise in your mind. "How to make relationships with these bloggers". I will help you.
1. Comment regularly: Target a blogger whom you want to make relationship. Just visit their blog regularly and leave some meaningful comment in their blog posts. Also try to comment first because bloggers take the first comment seriously.
2. Post round ups: It is always good to publish a monthly report about your blog highlighting your earning, top posts etc. as Dinesh does. Now to impress some top bloggers just leave one or two links they have written telling that these posts have impressed you. If you do it more than two times you will be noticed by them.
3. Interviews: Interviews can always create a rigid relationship. Ask for an interview with famous bloggers through comments or contact us button. If they are willing you will be lucked.
Triberr can take your blog post to many users
Triberr is a community which connects bloggers all over the world. When you join a Tribe your post can reach many Twitter followers. Triberr will automatically posts your links in Twitter accounts of all Tribemates. So if you are a member of a 6 Triberr account you have a possibility of reaching about 1 million Twitter users. So you are getting high quality visitors to your blog.
Use Sponsored Tweets to share your post
Sponsored Tweets contain many power Twitter users who share Tweets for money. You can choose minimum number of followers, maximum amount per tweet and can decide whom to reach your content. So you have a complete freedom for your Tweets.
Contents should be original and worthy
Creating great and good content is the last and best way to get good social shares. If you create a great content the social shares will come naturally come to your post and can get a good search engine ranking.
These are seven simple steps which can bring some good amount of social shares to your blog. If you have more please leave it here and don't forget to ask your doubts.
May 2, 2012 at 1:42 AM
Hi and thank you for mentioning JustRetweet in your post. I am growing my following on Twitter and it allows me to have my content shared by a great deal of users.
It's a great tool for anyone who wants to succeed on Twitter.
Thanks again for the post.
May 2, 2012 at 7:58 AM
Hi Ileane Smith,
Its great pleasure to get a comment from famous blogger like you. Thanks for your feedback.