7 Ways to Optimize Title of Blog Post for Search Engines

Title of the blog post plays an important role in gaining good search engine traffic. We have already discussed here. Title of the blog post is the first thing in which search engine looks for. So if your title does not contain good keywords you are probably going to miss an important search engine traffic. Now in this article I will give you 10 tips to optimize your title tag to get maximum traffic to your blog.

1. Ensure title contains all keywords in descending order

First think of the keywords that can bring traffic to your blog post. Now take the keyword which will give maximum traffic. Put that keyword as the first word of the blog post. In the similar manner arrange the remaining keywords of your blog post. Remind you that the title should be in meaningful manner. So arrange the keywords in descending order in a meaningful manner. To know hich keyword have highest rank you can use keyword tool in Google adsense.

2. Ensure your website name come after the blog post title

This is one of the important step. In Internet we call it as swapping blog title. In some template settings we can see that the title of the blog comes first and the blog post title follows the blog title. This is one of the serious SEO mistake made by many bloggers. So every bloggers should ensure that title of the blog should always come after the blog post title.

3. Optimize the title into 70 characters

Don't create a very long title of the blog post. As your title becomes long the value of the keywords decreases. So you have to optimize wisely your title of the blog to 70 characters including spaces. You can use MS Word to calculate the number of characters in title.

4. Don't use stop words in title

Stop words are the words which have no keyword value. Don't use these keywords in the title of your blog post. You can get the list of stop words from here.

5. Use title keywords in the body of the blog post

Including the keywords in the title of the blog post will not reflects that you earn search engine traffic. You must also include keywords used in the title of the blog post into the body of the post. It is good to make these words bold and including keywords in sub title adds more SEO to your blog post.

6. Avoid duplicating the title post

We can see some bloggers using same title with slight variation in two posts. This will be considered as duplicating of the post by search engine and will cause the bad impression for your blogs. So if you are posting related contents in two posts make some variations in the title of the post.

7. Avoid keyword spamming in titles

 Don't repeat the keywords in titles. Use the keywords only once. Also don't separate many keywords with comma, pipes and other symbols. If search engine detects keyword spamming in your website, then it will put heavy fine on your article and may even cause the deletion of whole website from search engine. Your title should reflect the content of the article and must contain all the keywords.
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I am an engineer by profession and blogging is my passion. I also loves to share my knowledge. Get me on and Twitter


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